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Johan Bové

Noticing that the "local" feed of the instance I am on is getting as random as the federated one, telling me that it might be time to find a smaller community which I can relate to more. Wondering if Mastodon has plans for a circles-like grouping of people to follow to create more concentrated feeds?

Johan Bové

Was wondering how much you rely on mobile data plans and how many GB you can use in a month?
I have 6GB per month and manage to use it all. Mostly because of video streaming.

Johan Bové

Took me a _couple_ of hours of work to migrate my Apache SSI static site ( over to the Eleventy or 11ty static HTML file generator. Happy with the result so far. Now my old blog content and my plans are available on IPFS as well. To experience the IPFS mirror just visit my site with the IPFS Companion add-on installed.

Johan Bové

Two days to go and we may know what plans will be made for the Kitas to reopen in some number of weeks. These uncertainties really are troublesome.

Johan Bové

Found a way to export "completed" tasks to a JSON object.

This command will create a JSON object for all tasks ended in the last week:

task end.after:today-1wk project:Plans export > ~/task-completed.json

Johan Bové

Replied to a post on :

I was still missing from my Known site. Going to add this integration to my plans. Thanks for the tip!

Johan Bové

Added an update to my "" plan.

Johan Bové

Added a sub category to my "plans" : post-poned plans. Stuff that I wanted to do, but haven't gotten around doing yet.

Johan Bové

Changed the layout of my personal "Plans" pages a little. The "Updates" now are announced with their own header and I'm sorting the updates as last added on top. See for an example. Also fixed some validation issues. Writing in pure HTML can be tricky.

Johan Bové

Updated my user page with plans and itches which I would like to focus on in the next weeks, months and years...

Johan Bové

Improving my Known site and template using Google's Lighthouse Audit

1 min read

As of today this is the Audit test result for "Desktop" (no throttling), with an authenticated session:

  • Performance: 100
  • Accessibility: 70
  • Best Practices: 79
  • SEO: 100

Next priority is to improve the score for "Accessibility".

  1. Image elements do not have alt attribute
  2. Form elements do not have associated labels
  3. Links do not have a discernible name

The "Best Practices" fixes will then be next:

  1. Does not use passive listeners to improve scrolling performance
  2. Links to cross-origin destinations are unsafe
  3. Includes front-end JavaScript libraries with known security vulnerabilities


The "known security vulnerabilities" is a tricky one as it requires updating the outdated Bootstrap version. 

Johan Bové

Thinking of signing up for an Library Membership to make a of my personal sites.

Johan Bové

Johan Bové

Installed Known on!

Next up is checking the [How To Guides](