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Johan Bové

On the train to München. Compared to flying, this is so far have been a much more relaxed experience. Just get on board, find your seat and relax. Funny how we're currently going 258 km/h. The train is a bit wobbly though. So still requires trust in the engineering and technical skill of the people maintaining tracks and trains. It's a long ride, but we're getting there.

Johan Bové

Johan Bové

WDR 4 Frequenzen - Frequenzen - Über uns - WDR 4 - Radio - WDR

Radio in Germany is notoriously bad, WDR 4, is probably the only public radio station I can listen to. Funny how its official target audience is over 50...

Johan Bové

When Friends started in 1994, the characters were about 26, so then they were about 14 years older then me. Now I'm about 14 years older than them. Movies and TV works funny that way.

Johan Bové

Really enjoyed watching the first episodes of the refreshing Cobra Kai show on Netflix. Eighties nostalgia, anti heroes, heart and soul, and it's funny too.

Johan Bové

I'm in this funny situation again where you start thinking that no Internet might be better than slow Internet.

Johan Bové

javascript - How do I get an element to scroll into view, using jQuery? - Stack Overflow

Contains a good example for Element.scrollIntoView()

Funny that the actual solution can also be done without JQuery.

Johan Bové

Haha, That was really funny @Tesla. So when is the real Tesla Truck unveiling?

Johan Bové

That's so funny. I had the same thought after episode two of Inside Bill's Head. Must admit though that the guy really can concentrate and focus for a long time while also drinking bucket loads of Coke.

Johan Bové

Funny how not that long ago I made a remark to a friend who was keeping all his notes as text files and now I am looking at doing exactly that. Plain text will probably be the one format that will be around for a very long time still.

Johan Bové

Gophering along

2 min read

A screenshot of Johan's Gopherhole

I've been spending way too much time on servers in the last couple of days.

The Gopher Web is intriguing and fascinating and I totally understand the attraction of an ad-free, cookie-free, not-for-profit, underground(-ish) alternative to today's crowded and over-commericially exploited (according to many) HTTP Web.

It's not super straightforward to access, even-though there are good dedicated free browsers (for all platforms) available that totally support the Gopher protocol.

But I have the feeling that because the Gopher Web is a little harder to access, it is actually part of the attractiveness. Lots of humans tired of the current state of the WWW, who still want to publish
content and share stuff, are finding an alternative, albeit archaic, in the Gopher web.

Setting up a Gopher server wasn't hard either thanks to open-source software from dedicated hobbyist developers.

Formatting plain-text files has been interesting too. It's amazing how much effort some Gopher Hole Phloggers take to create beautiful ASCII art and line-out their paragraphs!

Discovering Phlogs has been an eye-opener and inspiring. There are many Phloggers who are publishing worthwile stories and interesting articles in plain text files in their Gopher holes or gopher burrows.

And I had some fun first-time experiences too playing a funny text-based adventure game called "Lost Pig" (2007) -  it's an interactive story, with lots of funny dialogue and plenty of character which by itself is also proof that Gopher pages can also be entertaining.

The Floodgap Gopher (Gopher proxy) site is a great place to start.

Johan Bové

Got this funny feeling realizing that even now that I am older, the music I loved as a teenager or in my early twenties still sounds the same more than twenty years later.

Johan Bové

Checked into At McDonald's Baumberg

Working from a McDonald's today because Erica is sick - funny how it works out some times.

Johan Bové

Funny how a simple T-shirt, albeit uniquely designed and in limited supply, actually kick-started me to invest - more - spare time to contribute to the open-source development of the CMS project.

Johan Bové

Johan Bové

Johan Bové

Johan Bové

Johan Bové

Johan Bové