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Johan Bové

Deleted my Feedly account. Going full local instead of having to deal with web services.

Johan Bové

@ChangelingMx How accessible is @Feedly for administering and consuming RSS feeds with audio only as a blind person?

Johan Bové

Thanks for the super clear guidelines - as always very well explained. I was able to get PESOS from Pocket and Feedly working through IFTTT as well on my Known CMS site. IFTTT is sending POST requests to my micropub endpoint and Known is happily accepting the accesstoken, yet when I see the response of the action in IFTTT it always says "Failed". I've checked the response with POSTMAN and Known is responding with a status code 200 - as it should? - so it's okay for now, as it works; but was wondering why IFTTT is flagging the actions as failed?

Johan Bové

@BiellaColeman Maintaining a Feedly Board powered by RSS myself.

Johan Bové

Firefox Send - My Feedly OPML export file

Using Firefox Send to share my Feedly RSS feed OPML file. This link will expire after a 100 downloads or in seven days.

Johan Bové

Augmented my Known site with the integration of (Publish Elsewhere, Syndicate on Your Own Site) through originating from @Feedly and @Pocket.

Johan Bové

Adding another PESOS IFTTT Webhook to my site. Saving Articles to Read Later on Feedly will now show up here too.

Johan Bové

Wondering if I can use to set up an RSS feed of the articles I saved "to read later". Perhaps this can be done through ?

Johan Bové

Feedly. Read more, know more.

Using Feedly as my main RSS feeds reader application.