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Johan Bové

And just for kicks I booted into Windows 10 again on this same PC and noticed immediately just how slow it is compared to Fedora on the same hardware.

Johan Bové

I salute everyone who managed to make the final move from Microsoft's Windows to a Linux distribution and never looked back. I would like to, but I feel very much siloed in. Every six months or so I give it another try, but there is always that still pulls me back into the corporate OS World. Here goes another try.

Johan Bové

After struggling with a Fedora instance to get a lot of files copied from one external USB HD (NTFS) to a new one (exFAT), I tried the same sync process with Beyond Compare on Windows and it just works ... better. First of all I could not install Beyond Compare on ARM, then I found "Kompare", but kept running into various errors which stopped the sync. First HD is NTFS, and the new one is exFAT, issues are probably to be discovered within Fuse, but I cannot reformat the original HD, so there's that. Good thing there are still alternatives.

Johan Bové

What does one do when they discover an HP Notebook (HP Pavilion zv6000) from around 2006/2007 in a closet running Windows XP originally? Well, live booting Linux from an USB drive of course! The thing has only 512MB RAM, so no high hopes to refurbishing this ancient machine. But it is cool how it still runs anyway.

Johan Bové

The look of Windows 11 makes me think someone at Microsoft got nostalgic of Windows XP and convinced the Windows 10 people to mix it up with their theme.

Johan Bové

I would really like to ditch Windows, but my scanner needs are not allowing me to do this yet just yet.

Johan Bové

And I'm back on Windows ... I simply don't have the time to mess with the OS like unfortunately still is pretty much needed on Linux.Luckily I kept all important files on the shared drive and reverting back was only a matter of selecting the correct boot order and deleting the Linux partition to recover the space. Going to stay here for as long as this hardware works probably.

Johan Bové

Got a bit of a set-back using Ubuntu because Brasero messed up an expensive BluRay disc for no clear reason - All works well when using my previous app on Windows. Makes me want to reconsider going full time on Linux unfortunately.

Johan Bové

Got a bit of a set-back using Ubuntu Brasero messed up an expensive BluRay disc for no clear reason - All works well when using my previous app on Windows. Makes me want to reconsider going full time on Linux unfortunately.

Johan Bové

First day of the year where I need to keep our outside windows and doors shut to keep the heat out and the house cool.

Johan Bové

Install of Ubuntu Budgie complete - now setting up everything. Already found my first issue with VScode. The window overlaps all other windows all the time and I cannot seem to find a setting to make it act normally. No biggy for now.

Johan Bové

First step of installing Linux next to a Windows instance: decrypt Bitlocker ...

Johan Bové

Considering switching to a Linux distro again after some trouble with getting something cool to work on the Windows 10 command line. It also seems that Micro$$s seems to be going all in on Windows 11, which is not going to be supported on this machine. So I'll be trying out some distros in the following weeks.

Johan Bové

Pinning files from a website to IPFS with a Windows bat script using curl

With ipfs version 0.12.0

3 min read

:: Saves the JSON files to IPFS

:: script global variables
SET me=%~n0
SET parent=%~dp0
SET folder=export
SET event=
SET page1=%event%/export_events/deeprows
SET file1=%folder%\export_events.json
SET page2=%event%/export_associations/deeprows
SET file2=%folder%\export_associations.json
SET page3=%event%/export_sources/deepids
SET file3=%folder%\export_sources.json
SET log=%parent%\%me%.log
:: Generate the ipfs key with `ipfs key gen --type=rsa --size=2048 bellingcat_ukraine`
SET ipfskey=k2k4r8k7lcogpmkq9mkf3ykg1rexvhmxcinz5z91k8v49gbem6ivjp1v
SET ipfskeyName=bellingcat_ukraine

ECHO %me%: %date% %time% started...
ECHO --- >> %log%
ECHO %me%: %date% %time% started... >> %log%

curl %page1% > %file1%
curl %page2% > %file2%
curl %page3% > %file3%

SET size=0
call :filesize %file1%
ECHO file 1 size is %size% >> %log%
if %size%==0 goto :eof

call :filesize %file2%
ECHO file 2 size is %size% >> %log%
if %size%==0 goto :eof

call :filesize %file3%
ECHO file 3 size is %size% >> %log%
if %size%==0 goto :eof

ECHO "Files copied..."

:: copies the files in the folder as they appear on the original site
COPY /Y %file1% %folder%\export_events\deeprow >> %log%
COPY /Y %file2% %folder%\export_associations\deeprow >> %log%
COPY /Y %file3% %folder%\export_sources\deepid >> %log%

SET ipfshash='';
SET ipfsbase32='';
FOR /F "usebackq delims=" %%f IN (`ipfs add -q -r %folder%`) DO SET ipfshash=%%f
FOR /F "usebackq delims=" %%f IN (`ipfs cid base32 %ipfshash%`) DO SET ipfsbase32=%%f

ECHO CID: %ipfshash% >> %log%
ECHO >> %log%

ECHO %me%: Pinning... >> %log%
ipfs pin add %ipfshash% >> %log%

:: ECHO %me%: Pinning to Pinata >> %log%
:: Turned off in favor of
@REM ipfs pin remote add --service=Pinata --name=%ipfskeyName% %ipfshash% >> %log%

ECHO %me%: Uploading files to
:: See
node C:\Users\johan\Projects\IPFS\web3-storage-quickstart\put-files.js --token=%WEB3_STORAGE_KEY_PC1% %folder% >> %log%

ECHO %me%: Publishing to IPNS key %ipfskeyName% ... >> %log%
ipfs name publish --key=%ipfskeyName% %ipfshash% >> %log%

ECHO %me%: Done! Check the log curl-to-ipfs.log for details.

:: Thank you
:: Set filesize of first argument in %size% variable, and return
  set size=%~z1
  exit /b 0

:: force execution to quit at the end of the "main" logic

Also available as a gist on Github

Feedback and comments more than welcome!

Johan Bové

Johan Bové

@Cambridgeport90 Since my hardware is apparently too old for Windows 11, according to Microsoft, my next OS will most probable won't be Windows. Haven't decided yet which distribution to get. Biggest challenge will be to also get away from OneDrive and Office... Therefore I am testing NextCloud and OpenOffice.

Johan Bové

Johan Bové

@johanbove Happy to add that Vitra "works on my machine" - Windows 10 with a Ubuntu 20.04 LTS as WSL. Was able to completely follow the tutorial and intro done by pfrazee. Had to add as a dependency and compile it - but after that it all worked well. Using Node 16.13.2.

Johan Bové

Apple's Mac update process seems far behind Microsoft's Windows 10 one in terms of not getting in the user's way.

Johan Bové