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Johan Bové

I keep reverting the "new Outlook for Mac" design to the old, more familiar one because I am missing some of the missing features and I'm not a fan of this "Playmobil" design "refresh" pushed on to us. Not a fan of Material Design also, I absolutely dislike the Gmail UI for the same reasons. Perhaps I am getting old :-D

Johan Bové

This “managed / unmanaged” calendar edit change restriction in #outlook is annoying

This “managed / unmanaged” calendar edit change restriction in #outlook is annoying

I think the only fix would be to not have the managed (corporate account) calendar set as the default calendar in on IOS. 
Not sure what Outlook does in other oses.

Johan Bové

Uninstalled the impossible-to-use IOS 13 Apple Mail app and replaced it with Microsoft's Outlook. I can read e-mails again.

Johan Bové

Managed to get Outlook 2019 on Mac to get stuck and crash into "non-responsive" state after switching off "dark mode" ... *sigh*