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Johan Bové

Improving my Known site and template using Google's Lighthouse Audit

1 min read

As of today this is the Audit test result for "Desktop" (no throttling), with an authenticated session:

  • Performance: 100
  • Accessibility: 70
  • Best Practices: 79
  • SEO: 100

Next priority is to improve the score for "Accessibility".

  1. Image elements do not have alt attribute
  2. Form elements do not have associated labels
  3. Links do not have a discernible name

The "Best Practices" fixes will then be next:

  1. Does not use passive listeners to improve scrolling performance
  2. Links to cross-origin destinations are unsafe
  3. Includes front-end JavaScript libraries with known security vulnerabilities


The "known security vulnerabilities" is a tricky one as it requires updating the outdated Bootstrap version. 

Johan Bové

for who test their work with Google's : If you're on a corporate network, your Lighthouse test results will probably be completely influenced by the network's proxy server. So if you have access to an open wifi, then connect through that and re-run your tests. You'll be much happier with the results 😅