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Johan Bové

Johan Bové

Going to have to start working on that Bangle.js "Magic Eight Ball" app this weekend.

Johan Bové

Johan Bové

Johan Bové

Johan Bové

JavaScript powered watch? Yes please. I just backed Bangle.js: the hackable Smart Watch on @Kickstarter

Johan Bové

Johan Bové

My favorite functions are `_.difference()` and `_.intersection()` - what are yours?

Johan Bové

Johan Bové

Great to see that the JavaScript compilation issues in were resolved in the latest version 2.10.1
Blog post:
Release notes:

Johan Bové

Johan Bové

Learned about npm dist tag

1 min read

Just yesterday we solved an issue with a library dependency by installing the "next" version of the module.

I didn't know allows you to install "tagged" versions of modules.

Found all documentation about npm-dist-tag here.

An example:

$ npm install thirdPartyLibrary@next

Johan Bové

Johan Bové

Robot - a finite state machine library in JavaScript

An interesting solution to a common programming problem, although not sure if I totally understand how it works and how to integrate in my own projects.


Note to self: Needs a Vue.js integration.

Johan Bové

Johan Bové


A great article on how Dominic Szablewski programmed and released the "Voidcall" game in under 13KB.

"The amazing challenges of implementing a real-time strategy game in 13kb of JavaScript "
a JavaScript game development competition with a file size limit of 13kb, including code, assets and everything else. My entry was Voidcall, a Real-time Strategy game.

Johan Bové

Getting started with (HATEOS) and - awesome stuff - very cool how straightforward it is to get resources. Still figuring out how to optimize multiple calls to the API though.

Johan Bové

Learning how to properly use for unit testing in a Vue.js project. The Jest.js documentation is great and vue-test-utils is a super welcome addition to my tool belt. Thanks to all who contributed to making unit testing fun again.

Johan Bové

What is this guide? | Vue testing handbook

Going to have to have a good read of this testing vue stuff handbook.

Johan Bové