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Johan Bové

So I actually got to work on WSL. It's all working from the command line - I can add folders, send out invites, from the cli. The localhost:9112 site however is not running. Not sure what is going wrong there. Must be something related to how the git submodules work. Will check this later. For now I can at least test sharing files.

Johan Bové

Johan Bové

Johan Bové


> Following the tradition of Cabal, here is a zine about the latest Cobox release.

Johan Bové


This CoBox demo screencast video looks so good, but I can't get it to run on my machine yet.

Johan Bové

Trying out on Windows 10 WSL 1 - it's not going so well as the application isn't starting. Trying to figure our what is happening. Following guides and docs here:

Johan Bové


> Talk by Jaya Klara Brekke and Dan Hassan at Dat Conference 2020

Johan Bové

Johan Bové

Johan Bové

How does it work? - CoBox Documentation

CoBox aims to encourage small- and medium-scale infrastructure as a service. This means non-technical people can plug in a small computer in their home and begin providing back-up services for their friends, neighbours and themselves.

Johan Bové