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Johan Bové

Testing out Marblism AI generated web applications. It's wild, but haven't made anything useful yet. Still reading through the docs and learning how to write proper user stories the AI can understand.

Johan Bové

Instead of reading interesting articles on my phone, I am now providing testing services to the developers of that app. I did not plan for this. The A in agile, stands for annoying. Not a fan of "Break things fast, then fix and deploy again". The end users pay for that with frustration and lost time.

Johan Bové


1 min read

Testing out for the Win!

Following the instructions to get this post to show up... lalala

I have my Mastodon account here: - but I want this to also show through Bridgy Fed.

Johan Bové

Going to help out improving Earthstar's "Letterbox" tool a bit next. Started by reviewing and testing the app and creating issues first.

Johan Bové

@Cambridgeport90 Since my hardware is apparently too old for Windows 11, according to Microsoft, my next OS will most probable won't be Windows. Haven't decided yet which distribution to get. Biggest challenge will be to also get away from OneDrive and Office... Therefore I am testing NextCloud and OpenOffice.

Johan Bové

Testing out "Media Kraken" by Noel De Martin (@NoelDeMartin), a cool web app with Solid storage support -

Johan Bové

Currently working with Next.js, Redux Query Toolkit, Testing Library, Jest, TailwindCSS, Gitlab, VS Code, Firefox, Postman, Swagger

Johan Bové

Johan Bové

Johan Bové

Johan Bové

Testing a new browser gave me the incentive and opportunity to clean up my pile of "bookmarks". Wondering how most people use and organise their browser ? Do you keep everything in separate folders? Never gotten around in using one of those "pinning" services, even-though I've been "bookmarking" interesting things using my "Known CMS" site, but I don't organise those properly using tags.

Johan Bové

I've been testing out Brave Browser for a week. It's impressive with its support for IPFS and its Brave Attention Token idea. And it comes with many other interesting ideas. Havent ditched Firefox yet however. Keep using that one for my development work.

Johan Bové

Johan Bové

Testing again

Johan Bové

Hypercore - Announcing Hyperdrive v10

For the past year, we've been working hard on the v10 release of Hyperdrive. After a long period of beta testing, we're excited to announce that it's ready for general use!

Johan Bové

Johan Bové

Uninstalled the ManyVerse applications from Android and IOS. Couldn't get the messages to sync anymore. Not even on a local WLAN network. Spent quite a bit of time testing and reinstalling. In the end it didn't work and I was getting weird content on my phones. Especially with the work phone I need to be more in control what gets saved on it. Wondering though that uninstalling the app also removes the SSB folder? Going to try to write up some report of my experience with the app. Looking at the alternative Sunrise Choir Scuttlebutt Android app.
Hopefully that app will be ready for the PlayStore soon.

Johan Bové

Introduction | Vue Test Utils

Vue Test Utils is the official unit testing utility library for Vue.js.

Johan Bové

Using Keybase GPG to sign git commits and tags

2 min read

With the Keybase application installed on the "Windows Subsystem for Linux" command line, export the pgp Keybase key and import it into the local gpg keychain.

I also had to add this code into the ~/.bashrc file to make the gpg passphrase prompt work in WSL:

# enable passphrase prompt for gpg
export GPG_TTY=$(tty)

Pull someones pgp key from their Keybase profiles:

$ keybase pgp pull johanbove

List the current keys in your gpg key chain:

$ gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format LONG

Export the pgp key to import it in gpg:

$ keybase pgp export -q 4AAE11D0B6A8D5E8 | gpg --import
$ keybase pgp export -q 4AAE11D0B6A8D5E8 --secret | gpg --allow-secret-key-import --import

Testing the gpg key:

$ echo "test" | gpg --clearsign

Setting up git to use the key:

$ git config --global user.signingkey B6A8D5E8

Setting the trust level of the imported key:

$ gpg --list-keys
$ gpg --edit-key E44E71105E920276ED1693294AAE11D0B6A8D5E8

Following the instructions to set the trust on a gpg key.

Creating an annotated and signed git tag:

$ git tag -a -s v1.0.0 -m "Release v1.0.0 signed"

Verifying the git tag:

$ git tag -v v1.0.0


Johan Bové

Trying this from my Known site. But it seems to fail. Not sure what is going on.
- Added Granary Atoms feed.
- Added htaccess entry for redirecting webfinger
Testing by replying to this post:
But my reply is not going through. Will investigate tomorrow.