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Johan Bové

Context-switches are a real productivity killer if it means that by the time you get back to the previous context your remote desktop session expired.

Johan Bové

How to wait well

Waiting. Positano, Italy, 1936. Photo by Herbert List/Magnum A story that’s well-known among architects and urban designers is the tale of how people stopped complaining about waiting for elevators in the skyscrapers of New York City. productivity, psychology, syndicated

Johan Bové

Got a first version ready for my "open productivity" meets TaskWarrior idea;

Check it out:

I didn't focus on styling much. The goal for v1.0.0 was getting the data from my local TaskWarrior data on to my web host in a manageable manner.

Johan Bové

Open Productivity | Noel De Martin

Joining Noel in being more transparent in what I am doing and what I am currently focussed on.

Johan Bové

No Hello

2 min read

A repost from the website, published Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Please Don't Say Just Hello In Chat

2010-07-19 12:32:12 you: Hi
2010-07-19 12:32:15 co-worker: Hello.
2010-07-19 12:34:01 you: I'm working on [something] and I'm trying to do [etc...]
2010-07-19 12:35:21 co-worker: Oh, that's [answer...]

It's as if you called someone on the phone and said "Hi!" and then put them on hold!
Please do this instead:

2010-07-19 12:32:12 you: Hi -- I'm working on [something] and I'm trying to do [etc...]
2010-07-19 12:33:32 co-worker: [answers question]

Note that you get help minutes sooner, and you don't make them wait. Instead, the co-worker can start thinking about your question right away!
You're trying to be polite by not jumping right into the request, like you would do in person or on the phone. But Chat is neither of those things. Typing is much slower than talking. Instead of being polite, you are just making the other person wait for you to phrase your question, which is lost productivity.
The same goes for "Hello -- Are you there?", "Hi Bob -- quick question.", "Do you have a sec ?", "yt?" and "ping". Just ask the question!
If you feel it's brusque to simply say "Hi" and ask the question, you can do something like this:

2010-07-19 12:32:12 you: Hi -- if you're not busy I was wondering if I could ask a question.  I'm working on [something] and I'm trying to do [etc...]

Additionally, asking your question before getting a reply allows asynchronous communication. If the other party is away, and you leave before they come back, they can still answer your question, instead of just staring at a "Hello" and wondering what they missed.
Short link to this page: (If you see that as someone's status, please be prepared to be ignored if you only say "Hello!".)