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Johan Bové

In the process of moving my OpenPGP based keys and claims - which started on - to It is unclear what will happen to Keybase any given moment since Zoom bought it, so I wanted to be prepared. Even-though Keyoxide has less features, the base principle of confirming ones online identities with public key pairs remains. And it seems that most special Keybase features can be replaced with other services, like Mastodon and such.

Johan Bové

Johan Bové

Got my OpenPGP Key email IDs certified with my European eID through the German AusweisApp2 software made by Governikus - Check out their service here:

Johan Bové

Ausweisapp 2 - Online-Ausweisfunktion

Got my European eID card today and got it working pretty well. Next step is to authenticate my openPGP with this official certificate. This is all part of my quest to ban password authentication from this World.

Johan Bové

Johan Bové

Enjoying FairEmail on Android by M. Brokhorst and contributors. The fully open sourced and free email client is powerful and complete. Lots of features does give it a small learning curve of a couple of hours. Using it together with OpenKeyChain to send OpenPGP signed emails. Happy to support the development.

Johan Bové

Johan Bové