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Johan Bové

My online presences are a reflection of who I am and what I care about - at least publicly.

Johan Bové

Apparently Google went down for a lot of people today and I did not notice any issues at all. Thank you , @duckduckgo and my email and webhost @antagonistnl for offering great alternatives!

Johan Bové

That Twitter admin hack shows how important it is to own our own online content and even our own platforms for posting on the Web. Want to learn more? Make yourself a cup of your favorite drink and have a look at

Johan Bové

Camp West is ongoing this weekend:
Schedule with presentations:

Johan Bové

Had that dream again where teleportation is a thing within the indieweb community.

Johan Bové

Augmented my Known site with the integration of (Publish Elsewhere, Syndicate on Your Own Site) through originating from @Feedly and @Pocket.

Johan Bové

Seems like "going Indieweb" has given my online presence a huge boost by checking out the search results looking up myself;

Johan Bové

You know what I really ❤️ about the is how all documentation and communication between the enthusiasts is so well organised and perfectly made available for future reference and it all is linked up really well together. You can keep up-to-date with the latest info by simply visiting the IRC chat logs from time to time. cf.

Johan Bové

You can find me also on Matrix (@matrixdotorg) - my profile:

Johan Bové

Funny how a simple T-shirt, albeit uniquely designed and in limited supply, actually kick-started me to invest - more - spare time to contribute to the open-source development of the CMS project.

Johan Bové

A couple of months I've gone "Indie" with most of my software setup. Using as my ONLY browser and for reading email and keeping a calendar. The calendar and contacts server is self-hosted and syncs with Sabre's . My social-media platform and CMS is - which I'm also actively supporting. The community is fantastic!

Johan Bové

Activated Github POSSE publishing through https:/ on my site.

Johan Bové

I'm enjoying my "Indieweb" enabled site as it allows to post my Tweets first on a platform I own and then republish to Twitter etc. Webmentions are also pretty cool as they allow to interact with other posts from my own site and the reactions show up on their site and mine. I can even use my own site to authenticate to multiple services. The movement gives me hope that there will be more to the Internet than corporate silos alone.

Johan Bové

Added information on CalDAV and CardDAV to

Johan Bové

Thinking of organizing an „Homebrew Website Club“ Meeting in Düsseldorf - what would be a good German name for this? „Hausgebrautes Website Club“ doesn’t really sound as cool.

Johan Bové

Missed the Collective Meetup at the IndieWeb Summit in Portland. Fortunately the notes can be found here: - Suggesting in the irc room to also propose submitting Known to Installatron for easy one-click installations. More here:

Johan Bové

Thanks to following the chat logs available at , I learned about important socio-cultural movements like . Twitter mentions for the word and tag "indieweb" conveniently show up in the "indieweb-meta" IRC channel. It's really useful to have the chat logs of the main Indieweb IRC rooms be exported to the WWW., so you can access them at any time and with any browser.

Johan Bové

Started supporting with a - modest - monthly contribution through to help sponsor IndiewebCamps, where everyone can learn how to get involved with keeping the Internet fun, safe and personal.

Johan Bové

The reader client by and is really cool! I especially enjoy how easy it is to subscribe and follow sources.

Johan Bové

Wow, since I took the plunge into the , I have been a little overwhelmed by the wealth of articles, open-source apps and inspiring events organized by the Indieweb Community. Still catching up about the last three years worth of content though. Slowly getting there.