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Johan Bové

Some jerks are firing off fireworks somewhere near Düsseldorf and it is freakin' me out how the sound of these explosions are terrifying to hear in a part of Europe not too far from here.

Johan Bové

Please don't do your own fireworks for New Year's Eve. Thanks.

Johan Bové

New Year's eve fireworks are the worst.

Johan Bové

Hoping that because fireworks on new year's eve will be largely forbidden this year, the streets in German cities, will look much less like battle fields on January 1st. Totally supporting this covid measure to help keep the hospitals focused on treating Covid patients.

Johan Bové

Since I have a kid I really dislike fireworks. Fireworks are loud, smelly, messes up kids bedtime routines and scares animals. Fireworks are dangerous, overrated, not fun, barbaric and the money spent on it could probably be better used for something more lasting.

Johan Bové

Compared to what today is possible with digital projections and LEDS, shooting harmful fireworks in the air "for fun", seems barbarically obsolete.

Johan Bové

Hey, it's Monday October 21st, around 21:40 - great time to start exploding some random loud and stupid in . Not that any children or people who need to go to work in the morning might be sleeping already, right?

Johan Bové

Damn. Baby is just about sound asleep and some jerks feel the need to shoot off random stupid fireworks. Can’t they not do something more useful with that money and let kids and parents sleep! Fireworks sucks!