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Johan Bové

My five year old loves the "Making Fun" makers show on Netflix. He calls it the "Building Buddies" and that would have been a more awesome name for the clever show.

Johan Bové

One of the reasons why I keep my IRC connection going is the amazing IRC channels. Thanks to some awesome bot programming (Loqi) you can follow up pretty neatly what is happening in a unobtrusive, ad-free manner.

Johan Bové

Tried installing Mastodon on the Yunohost server on a Raspberry Pi 3. Turns out it does not have enough RAM. Installation aborted itself, left a nice clear log message and then uninstalled everything nicely. That is what is really awesome about Yunohost.

Johan Bové

The NextCloud web interface has a neat editor for working with markdown files. And the integration with having files within folders to display descriptions of those folders is awesome.

Johan Bové

Kinda obsessed by the kick-ass song "Rats" by the Swedish metal band Ghost. The kitchy video clip is awesome too.

Johan Bové

If you're in town for in Düsseldorf, I can recommend a visit to the new library. It's pretty awesome.

Johan Bové

Best line in the latest Loki D+ episode "I'm burdened with glorious purpose.” - really awesome.

Johan Bové

Started keeping all of my thoughts and ideas in plain text files (in markdown format) and it feels liberating. Syncing everything with Syncthing, it allows me to edit the files on the go using Markor. On the desktop, I'm syncing with both my Surface as well as a Ubuntu VM and it's awesome to have it all under control.

Johan Bové

@dat_protocol Thank you for giving us the opportunity to bring together this awesome community. I enjoyed it very much and found inspiration and renewed energy to continue support Dat to help create a better future for everyone.

Johan Bové

Upgraded to Known v1.2.2 this evening. All seems well. Lost my customizations, but was on purpose. Starting from a clean slate. Awesome how it all still - just works -.

Johan Bové

Working on an awesome tool that builds other awesome tools on demand. 😎

Johan Bové

Activated Github POSSE publishing through https:/ on my site.

Johan Bové

Getting started with (HATEOS) and - awesome stuff - very cool how straightforward it is to get resources. Still figuring out how to optimize multiple calls to the API though.

Johan Bové

Awesome service! Will give the some time for testing. Did you announce this to the crowd at yet?

Johan Bové

The idno/Twitter plugin works, which is awesome. However now I need to deal with how the plugin embeds shared tweets into the pages. Had to already add a lot of `content-security-policy` rules for the many domains (for Chrome). Now I also should display a warning on my site that states that Twitter will be set. 🤨