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Johan Bové

Joining the Gemini protocol movement with my own little capsule: gemini://
Not much there yet. Planning to migrate my "Gopher" site to this new space.

Johan Bové

My Gopher publishing process feels good as I’m doing it offline first. Whatever happens to my site, I will always have the most recent version locally on my machine, with all changes logged in Git repository. When I push the master branch to the remote repo, the gopher site is updated. No parsing required.

Johan Bové

Enjoying the constraints of the Gopher protocol as a minimalist zen-mode kind of online publishing revival.

Johan Bové

Proud of myself for achieving a 10 day streak of writing a daily gopher journal log entry.

Johan Bové - Die Tageszeitung - has a space: gopher://

Johan Bové

My site is about 38K big - still plenty of space left on the 1.24MB floppy disk

Johan Bové

Oh hello Gopher!