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Johan Bové

Why does modern Web UI design detest having to design pagination elements so much?

Johan Bové

Why is versioning an API endpoint such a hard software infrastructure design challenge?

Johan Bové

I keep reverting the "new Outlook for Mac" design to the old, more familiar one because I am missing some of the missing features and I'm not a fan of this "Playmobil" design "refresh" pushed on to us. Not a fan of Material Design also, I absolutely dislike the Gmail UI for the same reasons. Perhaps I am getting old :-D

Johan Bové

Watching Eurosongfestival for the shear craziness this circus is and also for the spectucular stages.

Johan Bové

I hope this only happens on websites and not IRL @paravelinc

``... col-2 row center-shit flow-reverse ```

view-source:, line 154

Johan Bové

So it's decided. Unless it breaks through hardware failure, I'm keeping my Surface Pro 3 at least until May 2020. Then the design and the hardware will be six years old. I'll look for a good refurbished recent machine, probably a laptop again around that period.

Johan Bové

Looking at this cool modern design system:

The framework comes with a grid system out-of-the-box:

Johan Bové

After quite the rush today through 's theme customization and CSS styling, I'm finally settling with the current design. In the meantime I also fixed the Known plugin form - on my own instance - to allow for selecting if a bookmark is a "Like" or a "Re-post". Will send a on to fix [this Issue]( soon.