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Johan Bové

The revolution will show up in your RSS feeds.

Johan Bové

Fixed one problem, another one jumps up; pictures from webmentions are not being displayed. An error 500 is happening somwhere in the image proxy code. Let's dig in!

The error in the error log is "Looks like something went wrong, image was zero bytes big!"

Johan Bové

N is starting to think that eating animals is wrong. He's almost six. We're going to need a bigger vegatarian cookbook.

Johan Bové

Seems like the Mastodon POSSE from my Known site is borked. Argh. Something to fix again this week.

Johan Bové

Jumped on the Obsidian train - was keeping my notes in markdown already for some time, but it got a bit disorganised - now hoping to bring back a bit of structure with Obsidian's organisational features. Syncing everything between my phone and my PC using Syncthing.

Johan Bové

It’s Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

Imagine a world where the 1 in 5 kids who don't survive today could grow up and live their dreams. Your donation can make that a reality for more kids than you imagine, who depend on lifesaving research to survive. Every cents counts.

Johan Bové

I find that Khan Academy has some good explanations on these math problems.

Johan Bové

How do you make time to actually sit down and read a book?

Johan Bové

What if I told you, you could recreate the base functionality of Jira using Confluence page-properties and page labels?

Johan Bové

My five year old loves the "Making Fun" makers show on Netflix. He calls it the "Building Buddies" and that would have been a more awesome name for the clever show.

Johan Bové

The sad state of burning to CD media on Linux...

Johan Bové

Now running on PHP 8.1

Johan Bové

Why are we keeping all our sent emails in a single folder? Why not organise it by recipient or thread?

Johan Bové

Onder de noemer, wat is de Vlaamse taal mooi: de definitie van het woord "gerief"; " Doet dat computergerief eens van de tafel af, we gaan eten."


Johan Bové

launched the Fairphone 5 !
Going to keep my Fairphone 3 at least until Christmas while saving up for the €699 investment.

Johan Bové

Anyone else enjoying a pinned hash-tag follow on for the city/area they live in?

Johan Bové

Working with Angular Material: what bothers me is matInput vs mat-button - Why the mix of formatting conventions?

Johan Bové

I am always very careful to ask a German, in German, if they already knew about a thing.

Johan Bové

Using for backing up the videos and pictures from my phone to a DAS (Direct-Attached Storage) on my machine - it just works!™

Johan Bové

In a further move to simplify my digital life I cancelled my IFTTT account. Wasn't really using it for anything really useful. It was fun for a while. But today I no longer need it.