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Johan Bové

Gimme A Token "client mismatch" in Known

Figuring out why Gimme A Token is not working for my Known instance

2 min read

Trying to obtain an Access Token for IndiePub with IndieAuth to be used in IFTTT requests so I can link other Web Services with my site.

I was able before to get a token using, and the integration with Pocket, Deezer and others worked, but I revoked all access tokens and today it no longer works to create a new token on my Known instance running version 1.2.2.

This post is about trying to solve this issue.

Got the endpoints of my server using:

After entering all the fields in "Gimme A Token" and going through the process to get the access token, I end up on with the message "Client mismatch". And I'm not sure where to go next.

What is causing this "client mismatch"? Did Known get safer or is "gimme-a-token" broken?

Going to reach out to Seb and Marcus in the next days.

Found that Greg had a similar issue with Monocle some months ago:

Update 2020-06-29 19:00

So I can rule out that "Gimme-A-Token" is broken.

Thanks to the greate people on the IRC channel (thanks Aaron, Greg and sknebel) I have a pointer towards htaccess and http/https redirecting. Looking into that now.

Update 2020-06-29 23:20

It seems that for a correct IndieAuth authentication, I had to add a hard-coded "me" url in the head of the Known head.tpl.php file so the Known homepage would always have this link:

<!-- Hardcoded me url -->
<link href="" rel="me" class="u-url">

This resolved the site error message and I can log in in one flow without having to retry.

But unfortunately I'm still getting "Client mismatch" errors with "Gimme a token" most of the time. I did manage to get once an actual token which I can now use again for IFTTT PESOS syndication.

Johan Bové

Known plugin update process

1 min read

In response to jgmac1106 on :

My plugin-updating process is currently like this:

  1. Create a fork of the Github idno project
  2. Checkout the code from the repo
  3. Fire up Beyond Compare and start a folder compare session
  4. Synchronize the plugin folder from local to remote

Of course it should be possible that you clone the Github plugin code through git clone and then do a git pull upstream to get the latest from the original master.

You should then be able to also run a composer update command to make sure you're getting the latest "vendor" dependencies too.