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Johan Bové

Johan Bové

A Gopher view of Gemini

With the possible exception of Google, and I fully acknowledge the irony that this blog post is hosted on a Google property, everyone thinks the Web has gotten too big for its britches. And, hey, maybe Google agrees but it's making them money and they don't care. gemini, gopher, s, small web, syndicated

Johan Bové

What is this Gemini thing anyway, and why am I excited about it?

I’ve been writing about some specific topics in the realm of Gemini on my blog over the past two months or so, but I still haven’t written a broader introduction to Gemini, what I’m doing with it, and why you should be excited about it, too. Let’s do that today! gemini, gopher, small web, smolweb, syndicated

Johan Bové

Johan Bové - Gemini proxy

Gemini is a new internet protocol which:
- Is heavier than gopher
- Is lighter than the web
- Will not replace either
- Strives for maximum power to weight ratio
- Takes user privacy very seriously

Johan Bové

Floodgap Gopher-HTTP gateway "Pondering what's inbetween Gopher and the web"


Johan Bové

Johan Bové

Johan Bové

Johan Bové

Johan Bové

Johan Bové

Johan Bové