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Johan Bové

Johan Bové

Johan Bové

Millions Flock to Telegram and Signal as Fears Grow Over Big Tech

This article sums it up nicely on the "messenger app" drama of last week.

The encrypted messaging services have become the world’s hottest apps over the last week, driven by growing anxiety over the power of the biggest tech companies and privacy concerns. internet, messenger, privacy, syndicated, tech

“The whole world now seems to understand that Facebook is not building apps for them, Facebook is building apps for their data,” said Moxie Marlinspike, the founder and chief executive of Signal. “It took this one small catalyst to push everyone over the edge of making a change.”

Hoping that many people realized the power Facebook held or is still holding over them and saw the benefit of moving to a service that is outside of "Big Tech"'s greedy hands.

Now everyone should also really consider to start using for their search and set up a free email account somewhere else.

Get a account or even better, get your own domain name and host your own mailbox, like I do to be even more free.

Johan Bové

Johan Bové

kamishibai at DuckDuckGo

Got to know about Kanishinai just now. Going to try this with my son.