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Johan Bové

Johan Bové

Webmention Analytics | Max Böck

If you also use to show webmentions on your site, you can fork the code on Github and make your own instance of webmention-analytics. Just follow the instructions in the README to get started.

Johan Bové

Johan Bové

Wondering about how webmentions would work on IPFS hosted sites? If there is no domain name to link the webmention to, then it simply won't work. An IPFS webmention would have to look at the content's CID hash instead to function. In theory this would actually be a much more precise way of identifying to what content a webmention belongs to; but in practice it would be hard as the CID change with every byte the content changes with. So a different approach would have to rely on the path set by the IPNS. The challenge there is that we can also use _dyndns txt entries. To be investigated.

Johan Bové

Johan Bové

James Tomasino wrote about his experience with implementing Webmentions on his Gopher blog.
To bridge my webmention from HTTP to Gopher, I'm web-mentioning his post through the Floodgap Gopher proxy. If you're using Lynx or another Gopher-capable browser, open his post here: gopher://

Johan Bové

: create a sitemap of all the incoming and out-going webmention links on my site.

Johan Bové

Having some issues with webmention comments sent to my site as replies being detected as SPAM by Akismet. Figuring out how to solve this.

Johan Bové

Johan Bové

Webmention DELETE testing with

2 min read

Testing if deleting a webmention works in Known.

The result of the quick test was successful:

Successful Tests
The mentions below have successfully passed the test! If you visit any of the links below, you should see an indication that the post was deleted.
    No Name
    Comment text not found
    The post did not provide a URL, using source instead

The Status as sent by the Known CMS:

Request URL:
Request method:GET
Remote address: ...
Status code: 410 Gone
Referrer Policy:no-referrer-when-downgrade

The Test

How to test is explained on this test:

This test verifies that you properly send Webmentions when you delete a post. You will pass this test when you send a Webmention to a URL that you had previously mentioned in a post.

  1. Write a post that links to this page, and send Webmentions for your post.
  2. Verify you see your post as "pending" on this page.
  3. Delete your post, and ensure that the post's URL is now returning HTTP 410 (or a meta http-equiv 410 status).
  4. Send a Webmention to this page again.

You should see your post listed here in the green "Successful Tests" section when complete.


Johan Bové

Johan Bové

Johan Bové

Thought so. Thanks for confirming. Still new at Indiewebbing myself and not many sites use an accept-list for webmention moderation. I will look into that.

Johan Bové

@botic Du hast komplett recht. Es gab in Berlin in May eine IndieWebCamp wo moderation mit webmention Vouch richtig besprochen werde:
Ich möchte dir deswegen herzlich einladen das bei zu treten und deine Anmerkungen und Vorschlagen mit allen dort zu teilen. Bist du schön Mitglied?

Johan Bové

Johan Bové

Awesome service! Will give the some time for testing. Did you announce this to the crowd at yet?

Johan Bové

Known Questions

2 min read

These are some questions I have about my Known server instance.

Q1. Redis Support?

My web host supports Redis. Anyone know if there is a plugin for Known which activates Redis cache? Does it make sense to activate Redis for a single-user Known site?

Q2. AsynchronousQueue on a shared web host without sudo access?

Also, I'm on a shared web host where I have access to a limited SSH access, without sudo; how can I set up Known cron for the AsynchronousQueue event queue?

Q3. Which PHP 7.3 Extensions should be active?

Which PHP (7.3) extensions should be active for a Known server instance? See my list here in the screenshot below:

screenshot of active PHP 7.3 extensions


Q4. RESOLVED - How can I get the Twitter POSSE plugin working? 

I currently need to manually mention the publish webmention endpoints to repost my posts and status updates. The Twitter plugin by Known doesn't work on my server. Suspecting an outdated dependency on the tmhOAuh PHP library. Would be awesome if I can get that to work.

Resolution: update the tmhOAuth plugin and cacert.pem certificate.

Q5. Tagging with Known input forms is missing the dedicated tags field

Check why.

To be continued...

Johan Bové

2019/Düsseldorf/webmention - IndieWeb

Check out this webmention introduction from the IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf 2019 edition